

EFRA is 100% volunteer run and we're seeking committed individuals to join our Board and Committees.
Like we say to new players, no experience is necessary, just a willingness to learn and try your best!

Each year we are looking for committed individuals to volunteer a member of our Board of Directors, Programs Committee and External Relations Committee.

These important roles are essential to making play possible.



Meets quarterly: Aug, Nov, Feb, May
The Board is chaired by the President and has 9 Directors. The Board provides direction for the association and have oversight of its operations.


President (2-year term)

  • Preside at all Board meetings of the Association, and see that all aspects of the Association are properly run
  • Generally manage and supervise the overall policies and affairs of the Association and shall report to the Board and other committees from time to time on any aspect of the 
  • 1-2 hours per week on average with peak periods at the beginning and end of the season

Vice-President (2-year term):

  • Assist President in any capacity as needed and perform the duties of the President in the latter's absence.
  • Be prepared to run for President's position at next AGM.
  • 1-2 hours per week on average with peak periods at the beginning and end of the season.

Secretary (2-year term):

  • Schedule and prepare materials for all board meetings including agenda and meeting minutes
  • Keep a current copy of the Constitution, By-laws and Rules and Regulations and bring to meetings as a source of reference
  • Record all motions affecting By-laws and Rules and Regulations passed by the Board of Directors.
  • Maintain a register of Directors and requirements
  • 1-2 hours per week on average with peak periods at the beginning and end of the season.

Registrar (2 year term):

  • Manage the Registration process through the RAMP system and Ringette Ontario
  • Maintain and update membership database for all players, coaches and referees.
  • Prepare correspondence and provide guidance for special circumstances, which arise through the season.
  • 1-2 hours per week on average with peak period at the beginning of the season (August to October)

Treasurer (2 year term):

  • Be responsible for the payment of bills, maintenance of accounts, which includes all receipts of income and records of financial transactions.
  • Provide a monthly statement of financial accounts to the Board
  • Prepare an audited annual report of the revenue and expenses for the financial year of the Association's Annual General Meeting.
  • 1-2 hours per week on average with peak periods at the beginning and end of the season.

Director, Board & Committee Recruitment (2 year term):

  • Responsible for creating and implementing plans to recruit and nominate prospective board and committee members.
  • Seek out candidates to fill a variety of important positions on the Board and supporting committees.  
  • Review candidates' qualifications and ensure they align with the requirements of the association.
  • 1-2 hours per month on average with peak periods at the end of the season in preparation for EFRA’s annual general meeting.

Director, External Relations (2 year term):

  • Schedule and preside at all meetings of the External Relations Committee (for more details on the committee see below)
  • See that all aspects of the committee are properly run and provide support to committee members with their respective roles and duties.
  • Report to the Board on the overall work by committee members; bringing forward motions for Board input and decisions as required
  • 1-2 hours per month on average with peak periods in between seasons to promote and encourage registrations.

Director, Programs (2 year term):

  • Schedule and preside at all meetings of the Programs Committee (for more details on the committee see below)
  • See that all aspects of the committee are properly run and provide support to committee members with their respective roles and duties.
  • Report to the Board on the overall work by committee members; bringing forward motions for Board input and decisions as required.
  • 1-2 hours per month on average with peak periods at the beginning of the season

Director, Wester Region Ringette League (B/C Teams) (2 year term):

  • Attend all meetings of the WRRL and report back to the EFRA any new procedures or rules that pertain to our Association.
  • Represent the interests of EFRA at these meetings
  • Ensure all game results are reported in a timely manner to the WRRL
  • 1-2 hours per month to attend EFRA board meetings and virtual WRRL meetings

Director, Great Lakes Ringette League (AA/A Teams) (2 year term):

  • Attend all meetings of the GLRL and report back to the EFRA any new procedures or rules that pertain to our Association.
  • Represent the interests of EFRA at these meetings.
  • Ensure all game results are reported in a timely manner to the GLRL
  • 1-2 hours per month to attend EFRA board meetings and GLRL meetings. Could involved travel to meetings.
  • Note:
    • EFRA will only have a representative in the leagues in which EFRA teams are participating.
    • If EFRA has teams participating in GLRL, EFRA will designate a GLRL rep.



Meets bi-monthly - July to April

This committee is delegated authority by the Board and is chaired by the Director, Programming. 

The committee is responsible and has oversight of programming including: player, coach and official recruitment and development; forming teams; and ensuring teams are equipped and scheduled for practices and games.


Coaching Officer:

  • Recruit, select, on-board and support Head Coaches and bench staff for the upcoming season.
  • Inform the Programs Committee as needed about issues or concerns that require their attention.
  • Ensure that all bench staff have attained the requirements for their role and level of play.
  • Provide guidance and knowledge to bench staffs on the various aspects of the sport of ringette.
  • 1-2 hours per month with peak periods at the beginning of the season.


Equipment Officer:

  • Maintain an inventory list of all EFRA equipment.
  • Issue EFRA equipment to all teams at start-up, and collect at season’s end.
  • Properly store all EFRA equipment during the off-season.
  • Purchase/sell or dispose of equipment as needed with the approval of the Programs Committee.
  • 1-2 hours per month with peak periods at the beginning of the season.


Scheduling Officer:

  • Work with league to schedule all games and practice ice times and re-schedule cancelled games.
  • Ensure maximum use of EFRA ice times.
  • Allocate available EFRA ice times among all teams as directed by the Programs Committee.
  • Report to arenas if ice time is not required.
  • Communicate game and practice schedules to EFRA
  • 1-2 hours per month with peak periods at the beginning, middle and end of the season.

On-Ice Officiating Officer:

  • Schedule referees for all EFRA home games
  • Be certified as a Level 1 Referee.
  • Arrange for recruitment, training, certification, payment of, and support of local referees.
  • Address any concerns about individual officials expressed by the membership of the EFRA
  • Oversee police checks of referees.
  • 1-2 hours per week from September to March.

Off-Ice Officiating Officer:

  • Schedule scorekeepers, timekeepers and shot clock operators for all EFRA home games.
  • Ensure that all minor officials are appropriate for the level of play.
  • Ensure that scorekeepers, timekeepers and shot clock operators are appropriately trained to carry out their role.
  • Address any concerns about individual scorekeepers, timekeepers and shot clock operators expressed by the membership of the EFRA
  • Ensure that all minor officials are paid monthly.
  • 1-2 hours per week from September to March.

Health & Safety Officer:

  • During COVID (2020 to present), this position has been seconded to serve as the COVID Safety Leader
  • Externally, this position is the key point of contact for EFRA between Centre Wellington Township, Wellington County, and Ringette Ontario.
  • Internally, this position will communicate with trainers, coaches and teams, ensuring that everyone is aware of health and safety expectations and requirements.
  • 1-2 hours per month from September to March

Player Development Officer:

  • Shall be responsible for coordinating with coaches and Scheduling Officer to arrange clinics and other opportunities for player development as a complement to practices. 
  • This includes, but not limited to power skating, skills clinics, and goalie clinics
  • 1-2 hours per month from September to March



Meet bi-monthly - July to April
This committee reports to the Board and is chaired by the Director, External Relations.

The committee is responsible for maintaining EFRA’s brand and external relations including fundraising, marketing and communications.

Marketing & Promotions Officer:

  • Plans and implements any marketing and promotional materials
  • Promote and increase the visibility of the sport of ringette in the community
  • Update and keep fresh the contents of the bulletin boards at the arenas
  • Arrange and coordinate team pictures with photographer
  • 1-2 hours per month on average with peak periods in between seasons to promote and encourage registrations.

Communications Officer:

  • Prepares updates and notices for members on behalf of the Board, committees and coaching staff when needed.
  • Works with the Registrar to distribute member-wide emails
  • Works with the Website Officer to post updates online
  • Works with the Social Media Officer to plan and post updates.
  • 1-2 hours per month on average with peak period at the beginning of the season.

Website Officer:

  • Maintains and updates content on the EFRA website on a regular basis.
  • Supports with the set-up of Elora Fergus Ringette email accounts
  • Liaises with EFRA web server host
  • 1-2 hours per month on average with peak period at the beginning of the season.

Social Media Officer:

  • Maintain and update content on all EFRA social media channels on a regular basis.
  • Work with External Relations Committee members to plan and generate content to help promote ringette in the community and communicate to members.
  • 1-2 hours per week.

Fundraising Officer:

  • Co-ordinate all fund raising activities of the EFRA
  • Promote fund raising activities to the members of the EFRA
  • Obtain pre-approval for all fund raising activities from the EFRA External Relations Committee.
  • Collect and record the funds by team, and by player, for each fund raising activity.
  • Submit all funds collected to the EFRA Treasurer for deposit.
  • 1-2 hours per month with additional time allocated for specific fundraising activity when required.

Events Officer:

  • Plans and leads association events through the season when needed including but not limited to:
    • Come Try Ringette (early September)
    • Santa Claus Parade (late November)
    • End of year banquet (early April)
  • Works with the volunteer coordinator to secure help by volunteers for event execution.
  • 1-2 hours per month with additional time required when events are planned.

Volunteer Coordinator:

  • Work with team managers to communicate volunteer opportunities to members and track volunteer hours through the season
  • Works with the Treasurer to confirm members who did not complete their hours of service
    • All families perform a minimum of 5 volunteer hours of service during the season
    • Volunteer opportunities include but are not limited to board and committee participation, coaching/bench staff opportunities, off-ice officiating for games, help at events, etc.
    • If any family has not completed their volunteer hours prior to the end of the season, they are charged an additional $150 fee.
  • 1-2 hours per month with additional time required when events are planned and at the end of the season when working with the Treasurer.

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